How AgentStat search works

Every time you search, there are hundreds, sometimes thousands, of real estate agents with varying knowledge, experience and results. How AgentStat figures out which Agents to show starts long before you even type, and is guided by a commitment to provide the best information.

Organizing real estate transactions

Even before you search, AgentStat organizes all of the data points that are relevant to find the best agent. These include: Home type, price, days on market, success rate, list to sold price ratio, and location.

Instantly matching your search

Within seconds, AgentStat’s search algorithms sort through billions of data points and millions of real estate agents to find the most relevant agent for what you’re looking for.

We don’t sell ads, or search results

While other companies place agents based on the marketing spend that they pay, no one can buy better placement in our results.

Always improving your experience

We know agent searching can always be improved. Our AgentStat engineers spend every day testing and conducting experiments, resulting in constant improvements.